Public Parking Services


Our Company deals with the operation of public and private parking spaces.

Public and Subscription Parking Lot 1 ( LARNACA – Lord Byron Street)

One of the largest Public Parking Lots in Larnaca
It is situated at the very center of town adjacent to Pallas Square on Lord Byron Street

Monthly Passes (Lord Byron Parking Lot ONLY)
Our Company offers monthly passes for people who want unlimited access to the center of town in a convinient Location.
There are currently 2 subscription options to choose from:

  1. Economy Pass – Monday to Friday, unlimited number of entries = €60/mo
  2. Unlimited Pass – Monday to Sunday, unlimited number of entries = 70/mo

The above prices include VAT
*The above prices stipulate a minimum of 6 months commitment
Apply Online for a subscription using the button below

Click HERE for the Terms and Conditions

Alterantively, one can take a ticket from the machine and pay depending on the duration of their stay.

Public Parking Lot 2 ( LARNACA – Leontos Sofou Street)

Located next to St. Lazaros Street it is a very convinient location to visit the Church as well as other sites, Restaurants, Coffee Shops and locataions in the area.

Charge = Flat Rate €2/Day

Subscription Parking Lot 3 (NICOSIA –  Limassol Avenue)

Located near Eurolife on Limassol Avenue, this parking lot has just been completed and we are accepting applications. This can be done online by clicking the button below or alternatively, you can call at our office. 

If you live or work in the area then you already know parking is very hard to come by. For this reason we have created a parking lot to which one can subscribe on a monthly basis and be allocated a parking space just for them 24/7.

Assigned Parking Slot – Price starting at  €60/mo €60/ mo (Incl VAT)
The above price includes VAT
*The above price stipulates a minimum of 6 months commitment
Apply Online for a subscription using the button below

Click HERE for the Terms and Conditions


Click image below to check availability

Please contact us for more information